The All-time Leading Triples Hitters

The Volume 15, Number 1 issue of the American Association Almanac was published last week and after production was mailed to subscribers. The topic: The all-time leading triples hitters in the American Association from 1902 to 1962. The cover:

Leading off with an introduction, the report's methodology section describes the process by which more than 1,000 player records were evaluated in order to determine two things:

1. The league's all-time Top 20 triples leaderboard, and
2. The Team Top 20 triples leaderboard for each club

Data collection began mid-fall of 2018 and proceeded through mid-February 2019.

The narrative is statistically dense with smattering of anecdotal information to describe the players who made it onto the all-time triples leaderboards. In addition to production totals, special emphasis is given to the statistical category of at-bats per triple, or ABT. This measurement device, created especially for the analysis presented here, is intended to provide a more statistically balanced view of a player's triples production by offering an average based on the number of at-bats. For example, the lower the ABT, the more efficient the production. Another measurement tool used here is "player share" which expresses the player's percentage of the team's total number of triples. This device is intended to compensate for season-to-season variations in triples production which occurred in league-wide while at the same time offering a comparative value for assessing performance.

Twelve categories were devised for expressing each team's triples leaders, including high total, high average ABT, high percentage player share and high average triples per season. Each team's triples leaders were analyzed for age, experience and handedness.

Numerous tables complement the contents of this issue, such as the one below.

This table, found on page 29, lists the league's Top 20 all-time triples leaders, along with their teams, first season active in the American Association, and career ABT.

 Team abbreviations for the above: COL-Columbus; IND-Indianapolis; KC-Kansas City;
LOU-Louisville; MIL-Milwaukee; MIN-Minneapolis; STP-St. Paul; TOL-Toledo.

Here is a selection of sample pages from Volume 15, No. 1, beginning with the table of contents.


Page 13


Page 30 and 31


Vital Statistics

Publication Date: April 20, 2019
Number of Pages: 60
Number of Words: 32,000

Subscription Information

1 copy: $15.00 (inc. postage)
1 year subscription: $24.00
2-year subscription: $42.00
1-year Institutional Rate: $60

Copies of Vol. 15, No. 1 are available.
Please contact the Almanac at:


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